Writing a blog can be a tedious task for those with just the right idea and the writing skills to engage the reader. But is that enough? No. In recent years blogs and especially blogs have become optimized to the teeth. Well, as soon as I tell you that it’s been optimized you’ll understand why but it’s unreal how much it matters whether a blog has been properly optimized or not.
Here are a few ways to better your blog life to keep you in the running for bloggers google things are good.
Research the Keywords to Enhance your Content

Your keywords can be classified as the lifeblood of your blog and the very notion with which you write a blog. No matter how good you are finding ways to segway one keyword to another keyword will get boring if not downright insane.
Use your Keywords

Keywords and the use of keywords is a science. A keyword drives traffic to your blogs generating hits, the more they hit the more they’ll rank higher on Google. Use your keywords wisely and abundantly. To get the keywords and by extension, your content topic and ideas, any of the several local SEO services can help you with that. For example, a latent semantic index keyword or LSI shows up on your google search as ‘related searches’.
Pick a Catchy Title

Your title is the first thing that will catch the eye of the reader and the last thing they’ll remember and hopefully retain the information you’ve provided. Make the title snappy as much you want. Most successful and thriving blogs include a keyword whether it is a short-tailed keyword or a mid-tailed keyword. Either way, the results that readers get from the searching and any related topic will show up in their Google search. You should want to make it SEO friendly with a focus keyword.
Internal Linking your Blog

This is also similar to the concept of keywords. When you write a new blog with a topic in mind you can interlink it to any of your old blogs that seem relevant. This will rejuvenate your old blog posts and keep traffic on your page. This sort of on-page SEO keeps your blog in the browser history of the reader. While uploading your blog just simply search for related to an old post and find those to link the new material to. The best search engine optimization company won’t be able to do a better job at this than you.
Make it Visually Engaging

Humans respond to visual cues. If your blog has multiple graphics in it like pictures, videos, or even a diagram – this will make it more engaging for the reader and make for a comprehensive read, since it’s informative. This will also lend credibility to your blog for including things that a lot of bloggers take too casually. So do your research on what to insert into your blog and what to leave it out for the future.
Blog Meta Description

This is simple. When taking advantage of the SEO for your blog you’ll have to also take advantage of the keywords. To get as much search relevance for your blog as possible you can insert some of your unused but relevant keywords into the meta description. Make a description for your blog or more accurately your blog link, since this is the 2 or 3 lines under your blog’s name and URL in a Google search. This description would get you more traffic and hits and in turn more conversion on-page because of the keywords. Any professional SEO services provider tells you exactly that.
Easy read and simple flow

Now let’s talk a bit about the content itself. When writing your blog be sure to use simple language and leave the technical stuff to the topic sentence. Creating a flow key to get the reader to focus enough to follow your explanation or iteration off something. So only use the complicated and hard-to-understand terms to the very sentence where they need to be mentioned. Otherwise, make it simple.
Categories and Tags

When posting your content you will need to use categories and tags. These are other tools to help your content be found when searched by a reader. Categories are genre-specific classes in which you post or upload your content. This allows for an easy search while being comprehensible. A tag is the same thing as a keyword by function since, in terms of the CMS, a tag is used just like a keyword.
The Information Should be Complete

Your reader will only read on if it sounds like you know what you’re talking about. If so the reader will come back for more. So when writing a blog remember it is just as much about writing as it is about adding graphics, links, or anything files that are relevant. This would be the benefit. That the user sees in your posts as opposed to others.
Final Thoughts
Armed with this information you can now write confidently whether you already follow these guidelines or you’ll learn some of them and improve your blog. Take solace in the fact that blogging is learned gradually. No one gets to the top overnight and everyone has to pay their dues. Now forth and write with content.
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